Varietse / Miscellaneous
Roulé aux Oeufs ------------------------- 2.30
Egg Rolls
Won Ton Frit (12) ------------------------ 5.89
Dry Won Ton (12)
Porc Bar-B-Q ------------------------------ 8.80
Bar-B-Q Pork
Riz a la Vapeur (P) ----------------------- 3.00
Steamed Rice (S)
Riz a la Vapeur (G) ---------------------- 4.55
Steamed Rice (L)
Sauce Ananas, Sauce à l’ail ---------- ( 16oz - 6.50 ) ( 7oz - 4.00) ( 4oz - 2.50 )
Garlic or Pineapple sauce
Sauce General Tao’s --------------- ( 8oz - 5.00 )
General Tao’s Sauce
Aigres-douce, aux Prunes ------------- ( 16oz - 6.50 ) ( 7oz - 4.00 ) ( 4oz - 2.50 )
Sweet & Sour, Gravy or Plum Sauce
Biscuits aux amandes -------------------------- 1.00
Almond Cookie
Biscuits aux fortune-------------------------- 0.75
Fortune Cookie
Boisson Gazeuse ------------------------ 2.45
Soft Drink
Soupes / Soups
Soupe Won Ton --------------------------- 6.25
Won Ton Soup
Soupe aux Oeufs et Champignons --- 6.25
Mushroom and Egg Soup
Soupe au Riz et Poulet ------------------ 6.25
Chicken & Rice Soup
Soupe au Legume ------------------------ 6.25
Vegetable Soup
Riz Frit / Fried Rice
Riz frit au Cari ---------------------------- 9.55
Curried Chicken Fried Rice
Riz frit au Poulet ------------------------- 9.25
Chicken Fried Rice
Riz frit au Porc ou au Boeuf ---------- 9.25
Pork or Beef Fried Rice
Riz frit au Bacon ------------------------- 9.25
Bacon Fried Rice
Riz frit aux Crevettes ------------------- 10.95
Shrimp Fried Rice
Riz frit aux Champignons ------------- 9.50
Mushroom Fried Rice
Riz frit aux Légumes ------------------- 9.25
Vegetable Fried Rice
Riz frit Ordinaire ------------------------- 8.50
Plain Fried Rice
Riz frit Young Chow -------------------- 11.75
Young Chow Fried Rice
Un Coǔt additionnel pour tout changment / Any change cost extra
Les prix sont sujets à changer sans preavis / Price subject to change without notice
Roulé aux Oeufs ------------------------- 2.30
Egg Rolls
Won Ton Frit (12) ------------------------ 5.89
Dry Won Ton (12)
Porc Bar-B-Q ------------------------------ 8.80
Bar-B-Q Pork
Riz a la Vapeur (P) ----------------------- 3.00
Steamed Rice (S)
Riz a la Vapeur (G) ---------------------- 4.55
Steamed Rice (L)
Sauce Ananas, Sauce à l’ail ---------- ( 16oz - 6.50 ) ( 7oz - 4.00) ( 4oz - 2.50 )
Garlic or Pineapple sauce
Sauce General Tao’s --------------- ( 8oz - 5.00 )
General Tao’s Sauce
Aigres-douce, aux Prunes ------------- ( 16oz - 6.50 ) ( 7oz - 4.00 ) ( 4oz - 2.50 )
Sweet & Sour, Gravy or Plum Sauce
Biscuits aux amandes -------------------------- 1.00
Almond Cookie
Biscuits aux fortune-------------------------- 0.75
Fortune Cookie
Boisson Gazeuse ------------------------ 2.45
Soft Drink
Soupes / Soups
Soupe Won Ton --------------------------- 6.25
Won Ton Soup
Soupe aux Oeufs et Champignons --- 6.25
Mushroom and Egg Soup
Soupe au Riz et Poulet ------------------ 6.25
Chicken & Rice Soup
Soupe au Legume ------------------------ 6.25
Vegetable Soup
Riz Frit / Fried Rice
Riz frit au Cari ---------------------------- 9.55
Curried Chicken Fried Rice
Riz frit au Poulet ------------------------- 9.25
Chicken Fried Rice
Riz frit au Porc ou au Boeuf ---------- 9.25
Pork or Beef Fried Rice
Riz frit au Bacon ------------------------- 9.25
Bacon Fried Rice
Riz frit aux Crevettes ------------------- 10.95
Shrimp Fried Rice
Riz frit aux Champignons ------------- 9.50
Mushroom Fried Rice
Riz frit aux Légumes ------------------- 9.25
Vegetable Fried Rice
Riz frit Ordinaire ------------------------- 8.50
Plain Fried Rice
Riz frit Young Chow -------------------- 11.75
Young Chow Fried Rice
Un Coǔt additionnel pour tout changment / Any change cost extra
Les prix sont sujets à changer sans preavis / Price subject to change without notice